Changes to sailing at Trimpley

Wednesday, 5 August 2020 Off By stouty

: The club still has the 2m distancing signs up so please try to adhere to.
: As per government advice please keep to the permitted groups of 6 when on shore.
: The pontoon now has yellow and black tape allowing 4 boats, please do not cross on the pontoon.
: Keith has put rules for pursuit racing in the race hut, this is informal racing, and can be done only if the flag officer and safety are happy to run.
: The facilities are still closed for the time being.
: When launching or recovering you must be able to do so with out outside help, however when the water is low, we do now have a winch which can be utilised by flag or safety to help.
: As of the 16th August we are reintroducing the rota for Flag and safety.

I hope you all are well and staying safe, these are difficult times still and we are trying to still keep everyone safe. We hope that we can get back to normal one day soon.

Jon Holland
Commodore TSC