Author: stouty

Spring Pursuit Racing 2021 April 11th

On a cold, blustering day with fleeting sunshine and snow occasionally being blown horizontally , 15 hardy boats braved exciting but challenging conditions in the Spring Pursuit series. In the first race Matt Chadderton on his Topper led for much of the race but he was eventually hauled in and overtaken by Simon Fletcher and…

By stouty Monday, 12 April 2021 Off

May Day Pursuit Racing Monday, May 3rd

This year’s May Day Pursuit Racing takes place on SMonday May 3rd . There will be 3 races based on Personal Handicaps .The first race starts at 1200 with two out of three races needed to qualify. The race is open to GP14s and Lasers with all others boats racing as a Menagerie fleet.

By stouty Thursday, 8 April 2021 Off

Return to sailing -March 2021

From the 29th March 2021 the Government is allowing outdoor sports facilities to reopen.  Formally organised outdoor sports, for adults and under 18s, can restart and will not be subject to the gathering limits but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies, i.e. in our case the RYA. This document will describe…

By stouty Friday, 26 March 2021 Off

AGM and new Committee 2021/22

Thanks to all members who virtually attended the recent AGM. It was an interesting evening and the new virtual meeting seemed to go with few hitches. The following members were elected as the new committee for 2021/22. Commodore : Simon Yeomans Vice Commodore : Andy Blakeway Rear Commodore : Mike Stout Secretary : Phil Pimble…

By stouty Sunday, 7 March 2021 Off