Author: stouty

REMINDER: Presentation Evening and Dinner

Please confirm your places for the Presentation Evening and Dinner by Wed 20 February . Use Web Collect if possible – if not, contact Helen Chadderton or Linda Harrold. Get your glad rags out ( smart dress and posh frocks for the evening.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

By stouty Tuesday, 5 February 2019 Off

Millennium Trophy 2019

A magnificent turnout of 18 boats ( 12 Lasers, 4 GPs and 2 Toppers ) on the water for the Millennium Trophy really livened up the event this year. Good winds ( most of the time ) meant for some close and exciting sailing. Norman and Hazel Quarry took the first two races for the GPs to…

By stouty Saturday, 12 January 2019 Off

Santa Special 2018

Despite some very un-Christmassy like weather, which led to the fun sailing being cancelled, there seems to have been some very festive partying going on at the Santa Special Lunch. Thanks to all those who warmed up the clubhouse with their joyous and gleeful merriment. Special thanks to Linda and all her helpers without whom…

By stouty Tuesday, 25 December 2018 Off