Welcome to Trimpley! The family friendly sailing club in Worcestershire’s Severn valley.

We are a RYA recognised training centre. If you’ve never sailed before we offer learn to sail and powerboat courses throughout the year. If you’ve done some sailing before we can help you improve; we have club racing all year round, and training courses to help you get better.

JB Smith Trophy 2019

The JB Smith Trophy is a two hour race  for GP14s and Lasers only. It takes place on Sunday, 24 March , starting at 2pm There are awards for Main and Handicap winners based on personal handicaps. The Notice of Race for this event is in the clubhouse.

By stouty Sunday, 3 March 2019 Off

Membership Renewals 2019-2020

Hello All Members, it is that time of year again where we all have to dig into our pockets and pay our membership subscriptions for the next year, unless however you currently pay monthly by direct debit, in which case your subscriptions should automatically renew. The fees for membership subscriptions have increased by just under…

By Yugs Saturday, 2 March 2019 Off

REMINDER: Presentation Evening and Dinner

Please confirm your places for the Presentation Evening and Dinner by Wed 20 February . Use Web Collect if possible – if not, contact Helen Chadderton or Linda Harrold. Get your glad rags out ( smart dress and posh frocks for the evening.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

By stouty Tuesday, 5 February 2019 Off

Millennium Trophy 2019

A magnificent turnout of 18 boats ( 12 Lasers, 4 GPs and 2 Toppers ) on the water for the Millennium Trophy really livened up the event this year. Good winds ( most of the time ) meant for some close and exciting sailing. Norman and Hazel Quarry took the first two races for the GPs to…

By stouty Saturday, 12 January 2019 Off