Santa Special Race and Christmas Lunch
Now that the weather is positively balmy, don’t forget the Santa Special Race and Christmas Lunch on Sunday ( December 17) . Santa Special ” Christmas Pudding Race ” @ 1200. First series race at 1.15 pm . Lunch at 2.15 pm
Santa Special Postponed
Due to the severe weather warning for tomorrow ( Sunday ), the Santa Special has been postponed until Sunday 17 December . Same arrangements as previously posted.
Santa Special – Sunday 10 December- Important notice
PLEASE NOTE There is heavy snow forecast for Sunday. Keep an eye on this page in case we have to cancel the event. A very healthy number of members will hope to be at the Santa Special lunch and sailing on Sunday. The “Christmas Pudding Race” at 1200 will be a “fun” race for Santas and other Christmassy sailors,…
Santa Special
Come and join us for a festive lunch and some fun sailing. First race for decorated boats. Normal racing continues after Santa Special event.
Many thanks to all those members who came and did sterling work on Saturday at the work party session.. We managed to do plenty of valuable jobs and thoroughly enjoyed Linda’s bacon butties. The sailing on Saturday was memorable for its almost complete lack of wind, whereas the Sunday sailors were almost blown away. Trimpley sailing…
Just a reminder that there is a work party on Saturday ( November 11 ). Might damp so bring a brolly !!
Trafaldwyn Trophy Results
On a cool but fine November day, eight dinghies raced for the Trafaldwyn Trophy. Steady winds saw some close racing with both the GP and Laser result going to a “shoot-out” in the third race. Ralph Webb and Mik Neville won the first race in the GP class by almost a minute. Simon Fletcher and…