Lasers claim the Cock O’ the Wyre trophy
- Good sail Matt
- Topper charging
- Lasers away !
- Steve & Pat having a blast
- Ian cruising ahead
- Hang on Heather
- Lasers battle it out
- Great day sailing
On a fine autumnal day 15 boats battled it out for the iconic Cock O’ the Wyre trophy.
Typically fickle Trimpley winds meant that the lead changed hands many times but by the end the Lasers of Ian Davies, Andy Allan and Paul Powell eventually came to the fore. In a tense third race in which the winner would claim the trophy, Andy stretched out a good lead followed in by Paul with Ian in third place. Some great, tight racing !
Mik Neville and Simon Fletcher took the honours for the GP racers with Steve Parsons and Pat Stout in close attendance followed by Keith and Heather Budden.
Mention must be made of the novice sailors and the Juniors who sailed the tricky conditions with great determination and skill. Well done Matthew, Toby, Charlotte, Sara, Helen and Josh.
Mentioned in dispatches Phil, Simon Y, Craig and Mike D.
The next trophy race is the Trefaldwyn on Saturday 4 November. Can we get more than 15 boats sailing ? Go for it !