Return to sailing -March 2021

Friday, 26 March 2021 Off By stouty

From the 29th March 2021 the Government is allowing outdoor sports facilities to reopen.  Formally organised outdoor sports, for adults and under 18s, can restart and will not be subject to the gathering limits but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies, i.e. in our case the RYA.

This document will describe the return to sailing for Trimpley Sailing Club following the 4 step process as outlined by Government and the RYA and as interpreted and applied by the TSC Covid-19 Sub-Committee.

The critical core measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 remain the same:

NB: TSC is required to keep a temporary record of visitors to the sailing club to assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for this data if needed to help contain clusters and outbreaks. Either check in with the official NHS QR poster or provide your contact details to the flag officer when asked. The flag officer may ask you to show your phone screen to ensure you have successfully checked in with the QR code, this is in line with Government guidance.

Club House

Club House access is restricted and will remain so until Step4.  Access is strictly for the use of the toilets only during steps 1 to 3.  One person at a time, so please speak up when entering just in case somebody is already in there.  Please wear a face covering and we must rely on you to clean the touch points thoroughly when using the toilet on entering and leaving.  We will make sure that wipes and disinfectant are provided.  If these have been lost or used up, then please inform the flag officer.

No Galley/Kitchen facilities will be available until Step4.

Changing facilities will be unavailable until Step4.  Use of the changing rooms is only permitted for those with a disability or special needs in line with government guidance. For others, use of the changing rooms is only permitted in the case of an emergency, such as a capsize, etc.
In the event the changing rooms are used then touch points must be cleaned by the user with the products provided. These are either in the changing rooms or can be found in the toilets.  No personal items should be left in the changing rooms.

Please do not move or breach barriers that have been placed in the club house.

If you access the Clubhouse when open, you must wipe down all surfaces and handles touched, with the sanitizing wipes provided. Doors to areas of the club house that can be accessed will be wedged open.

The toilets lights will be left on and only touched by the flag officer to minimise the risk of fomite transmission.
(Fomites: objects or materials which are likely to carry infection, such as clothes, utensils, furniture, etc.)

All necessary electrical power should be ON.


Step1, from the 29th March, sailing will take place on Sundays only, with the race starting at 12.00pm and off the water at 3.00pm the 2 pursuit races lasting 1hr20mins with a 15 minute toilet break if needed, the safety will be on the water at 11.15am. Results will be recorded and contribute towards a COIVD cup and Junior COVID cup competition. For this reason, the OOD duties will be reinstated, this is to help the flag to run the race. If you have any concerns about being allocated OOD duties at this time, please contact .

From Step2 onwards (no earlier than 12th April) we will be looking to implement sailing on both Saturdays & Sundays.  Saturday sailing will be dependent on (i) the interest registered, (ii) having enough duty crew & (iii) on the development of successful processes for the management of, or cleaning of, club boats and equipment to mitigate the risks of fomite transmission with less than 24hr between potential contacts.
(reference for info; “If shared equipment can’t be cleaned consider withholding for 48 hours”;

Sailing with people from different households is permitted from Step1 in line with the following RYA guidance which sets out the risks involved and different mitigation’s that can be put in place. It is up to sailors to review the guidance and decide on an individual basis if they wish to sail with members from outside of their household or existing support bubble.
RYA Sailing & Racing in Mixed Households.pdf

Boats are to be launched and recovered single handed or with people from the same household, those in your support bubble, or those you have chosen to sail with. Face coverings are not required during launching or recovery under these conditions.
When water levels are low, the winch for the safety boat can be used to assist with launching and recovery.
Should emergency assistance be required and someone from outside of your support bubble provides assistance, try to avoid face-to-face contact and keep interactions fleeting. Preferably the person assisting would be wearing a face covering .

After launching please place your trolley along the bank or back in your boat park space.  Do not block in other people’s trolleys and keep the walkways clear.  Avoid touching other people’s trolleys. 

Only 4 boats on the pontoon at a time, 1 boat within each 2m markings

No crossing on the pontoon with people outside of your household, support bubble, or people you have chosen to sail with.  Crossing on the pontoon is only permissible if both parties are wearing face coverings and the interaction is fleeting (<3sec).

Safety Boat

Only the Jaffa safety boat is to be used.  This allows for recovery with a single safety boat operator and permits use of the ladder to climb into the boat.
We are keeping two safety duties per Sunday to allow for continuous sailing between 11.15 and 15.00.

It is our intention to reduce the need for the safety boat operator to recover sailors from the water, therefore you must be a competent sailor able to cope with prevailing conditions without any form of assistance.  A mast head float must always be used to prevent a total inversion and help safety. Sailing maybe stopped by the flag or safety if they deem it too dangerous for that day. There is no discussion, they have the final word!


Please do not touch other people’s boats or belongings.

Please sanitise hands when opening/closing the gate.

Club boats can be used but only once per session to stop transfer of virus.

Use of garage workshop to be minimised – members should bring all their own equipment if possible – if garage is used, it is for a maximum of 1 person at a time in the garage area. Equipment taken from the garage should be used once per day.

Only one person in the race hut at a time.

No congregating inside.

When congregating outside:
Steps 1 & 2 :  Rule of 6 or 2 households outdoors
Step 3 :  Maximum of 30 people outdoors

Spectators are not permitted in any indoor or outdoor sport facility.
This does not apply to carers for people with disabilities, or adults needed to supervise under-18s in a safeguarding role. Where it is necessary for them to be present, supervising adults should not mix with others from outside their household or support bubble. NB: All the above measures will be subject to continual review by the TSC COVID-19 Sub-Committee and be are subject to any changes in Government guidance