Santa Special 2017
- Craig sets the standard.
- Ian wins the Pudding Race for the Lasers.
- The Magnificent Three.
- A splendid turnout of Santas , Elves and Vikings.
- Keith and Ben win the Christmas Pudding Race for GPs
- A young elf ready to take to the water – well done Matt.
- Norman and Hazel enjoying the show !
- Who is this, then ?
- Simon celebrates not having to pump his way round .
- Vikings ahoy !!
- Svelte Sven Fletcher and Big Olaf Cookson winners of the best dressed boat.
CLICK ON EACH IMAGE FOR A BIGGER PICTURE ( if you have the nerve !)
Rain pouring down in stair rods, cold enough to freeze a penguin’s beak off. Just the day for the annual Santa Special ” Christmas Pudding Race “. Despite the weather ( which did improve as the day went on ) a goodly number of boats braved the conditions to battle it out in a race where no gybes were allowed ( most boats seemed to stay within the rules.)
Ian Davies pipped Simon Yeomans in the Laser class and Keith Budden and Ben Roberts took first place in the GP14 class. Mike Holmes won for the Menagarie fleet. Well done everyone.
Viking Visitors from Hartllboory and Booddly in Denmark ( Svelte Sven Fletcher and Big Olaf Cookson ) won the best dressed boat and crew award. Don’t quite know what Danish raiders bent on nefarious activities have to do with Christmas but there you go – it all adds to the colour !
A superb Christmas lunch was provided by Linda, Linda and Julie.
An excellent day all round – despite the grey weather. Thanks to the race crew of Commodore Neil Spokes and his assistant Jen Jennings and all supporters who came to watch the event.
Next race is the Millennium Trophy on MONDAY not Saturday, January 1st. See the separate notice.